Help! I’m depressed! What do I do?
First of all, I am genuinely sorry if you resonate with this headline. Been there, frequently, and thankfully there is help.
Common symptoms of depression: Sleep trouble (too much or too little); loss of interest in stuff you typically find fun; isolation; feeling helpless or that life is not worth living; crying more than is typical for you. Lists for how to alleviate depression abound, but off the cuff, here are some simple suggestions:
Be gentle with yourself.
Notice your self-talk and try to wrangle all-or-nothing statements (e.g., I will never feel better. Life is never going to change. What is the point?).
Go see your doctor—it could be any number of things causing depression symptoms. Your doc is there to help, and you want to cover all your medical bases.
Make an appointment with a counselor.
Spend time with a trusted friend.
Engage in self-care—take a nap; binge a show; sip some tea; pop some popcorn; take a walk (even if it’s just to the mailbox); sit in your yard with the sun on your face; doodle; journal; check in with an app, like How We Feel; splash your face with cool water; listen to some tunes; read—whatever healthy activity makes you feel good.
Ask for prayer, whether you attend church or not. But if you do, ask for prayer in person.
Do one thing differently every day. If you can do only one of these things per day, do.
Drink more water. Eat a peach (or whatever treat is in season!).
If you wish you could go to sleep and not wake up, please tell a friend or a loved one today, or dial 988 or text “TALK” to 38255.
Please stay. Please keep breathing. You are loved.